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A member registered Jun 01, 2017

Recent community posts

Sorry, I wrote it wrong, it's not on abilities, its the types intro text. Thanks for the fast response! :)

Hi, I got this game some time ago and now i was reading it to try playing it and found some issues, being the main one: I don't understand the combat system. It's just a value comparison? When does the d20 comes in? Is it added to attacker, defender, both? I think this part, the core of the playing system, should be clearer.

Also, I downloaded the expansions looking if this was clarified but only got more confused, as the values for creating monsters are different from the base game (but the example monsters seem to be made using the old rules, so maybe it's an error). 

In the "abilities" page the text is the same text from the "skills" page (And the example monsters does'nt have any ability).

Last question: Is there any difference between Pestilent and Verdant other than the cover?


Even if you claimed it, the download was removed (still don't get the point of doing this)


Hi, I'm having controller issues too. I'm using an Ipega PG-9025, which is on the supported list, but it only works until the main menu appears, then it stops to give any input. Any idea on how to solve this? Thanks

When installing it on android it says it has a trojan :(